All leagues
US Major League Soccer
United States of America
% League imbalance
Goals per match
Non-penalty xG per shot
Average age
% minutes played by U21

Saves made

2 J. McCarthy | 32 | GK 44
3 C. Brady | 20 | GK 40
4 J. Sirois | 23 | GK 38
5 A. Bono | 30 | GK 36
6 Z. Steffen | 29 | GK 36
7 M. Freese | 26 | GK 36
8 T. Melia | 38 | GK 35
9 Z. MacMath | 33 | GK 34
10 M. Paes | 26 | GK 32
11 D. Callender | 27 | GK 32
12 S. Clark | 38 | GK 30
13 H. Lloris | 38 | GK 29
14 Y. Takaoka | 28 | GK 29
15 M. Crépeau | 30 | GK 28
16 B. Guzan | 40 | GK 27
17 K. Kahlina | 32 | GK 27
18 H. Ravas | 27 | GK 26
19 W. Yarbrough | 35 | GK 25
20 C. Coronel | 28 | GK 25
21 D. St. Clair | 27 | GK 25
22 S. Johnson | 35 | GK 23
23 P. Gallese | 34 | GK 23
24 O. Semmle | 26 | GK 23
25 R. Bürki | 34 | GK 22
26 R. Celentano | 24 | GK 21
27 L. Gavran | 24 | GK 20
28 J. Willis | 36 | GK 19
29 A. Thomas | 26 | GK 18
30 E. Panicco | 28 | GK 18
31 P. Schulte | 23 | GK 17
32 S. Frei | 38 | GK 15
33 Daniel | 30 | GK 13
34 G. Beavers | 19 | GK 10
35 J. Pantemis | 27 | GK 9
36 A. Blake | 34 | GK 8
37 E. Bush | 38 | GK 6
38 A. Kann | 34 | GK 6
39 N. Hagen | 28 | GK 5
40 J. Pulskamp | 23 | GK 4
41 A. Ivacic | 31 | GK 3
42 S. Richey | 32 | GK 3
43 E. Louro | 28 | GK 3
44 R. Meara | 34 | GK 2
45 C. dos Santos | 24 | GK 2
46 E. Edwards Jr. | 32 | GK 1
47 M. Stajduhar | 27 | GK 1
48 D. Bingham | 35 | GK -
49 J. Bendik | 35 | GK -
50 J. Maurer | 36 | GK -
51 C. Irwin | 35 | GK -
52 T. Gómez | 31 | GK -
53 B. Lundt | 29 | GK -
54 G. Ranjitsingh | 31 | GK -
55 A. Romero | 26 | GK -
56 A. Tarbell | 31 | GK -
57 T. Muse | 25 | GK -
58 L. Barraza | 28 | GK -
59 J. Cohen | 32 | GK -
60 S. Cleveland | 30 | GK -
61 S. Breza | 26 | GK -
62 H. Trent | 25 | GK -
63 H. Sulte | 22 | GK -
64 N. Crockford | 22 | GK -
65 J. Castro | 25 | GK -
66 C. Olivares | 22 | GK -
67 I. Boehmer | 23 | GK -
68 J. Otero | 22 | GK -
69 N. Micovic | 23 | GK -
70 L. Zamudio | 26 | GK -
71 E. Ochoa | 19 | GK -
72 J. Gal | 31 | GK -
73 A. Rick | 18 | GK -
74 A. Marcucci | 25 | GK -
75 S. Lapkes | 18 | GK -
76 A. Beaudry | 18 | GK -
77 C. Jensen | 23 | GK -

Expected Threat (xT)

2 F. Bernardeschi | 30 | CAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
3 D. Bouanga | 30 | WAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
4 L. Messi | 37 | WAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
5 R. Puig | 25 | CM Subscription needed Subscription needed

xT from passes

2 S. Rodríguez | 24 | CAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
3 D. Gómez | 21 | CM Subscription needed Subscription needed
4 R. Puig | 25 | CM Subscription needed Subscription needed
5 F. Bernardeschi | 30 | CAM Subscription needed Subscription needed

xT from carries

2 F. Bernardeschi | 30 | CAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
3 L. Acosta | 30 | CAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
4 L. Messi | 37 | WAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
5 T. Almada | 23 | CAM Subscription needed Subscription needed


2 L. Messi | 37 | WAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
3 F. Bernardeschi | 30 | CAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
4 L. Acosta | 30 | CAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
5 C. Benteke | 34 | FW Subscription needed Subscription needed

Counterpressing Actions

2 J. Atencio | 22 | CM Subscription needed Subscription needed
3 B. Ojeda | 24 | CM Subscription needed Subscription needed
4 O. Larraz | 23 | CM Subscription needed Subscription needed
5 A. Morris | 23 | CM Subscription needed Subscription needed


2 C. Benteke | 34 | FW Subscription needed Subscription needed
3 G. Giakoumakis | 30 | FW Subscription needed Subscription needed
4 L. Gavran | 24 | GK Subscription needed Subscription needed
5 S. Johnson | 35 | GK Subscription needed Subscription needed

Offensive AERO

2 M. Miazga | 29 | CB Subscription needed Subscription needed
3 A. Malanda | 23 | CB Subscription needed Subscription needed
4 M. Robinson | 27 | CB Subscription needed Subscription needed
5 K. Kamara | 40 | FW Subscription needed Subscription needed

Defensive AERO

2 C. Benteke | 34 | FW Subscription needed Subscription needed
3 D. Williams | 31 | CB Subscription needed Subscription needed
4 K. Long | 34 | CB Subscription needed Subscription needed
5 N. Hagglund | 32 | CB Subscription needed Subscription needed
All leagues
US Major League Soccer
United States of America
% League imbalance
Goals per match
Non-penalty xG per shot
Average age
% Minutes played by U21

Saves made

2 J. McCarthy | 32 | GK 44
3 C. Brady | 20 | GK 40
4 J. Sirois | 23 | GK 38
5 A. Bono | 30 | GK 36
6 Z. Steffen | 29 | GK 36
7 M. Freese | 26 | GK 36
8 T. Melia | 38 | GK 35
9 Z. MacMath | 33 | GK 34
10 M. Paes | 26 | GK 32
11 D. Callender | 27 | GK 32
12 S. Clark | 38 | GK 30
13 H. Lloris | 38 | GK 29
14 Y. Takaoka | 28 | GK 29
15 M. Crépeau | 30 | GK 28
16 B. Guzan | 40 | GK 27
17 K. Kahlina | 32 | GK 27
18 H. Ravas | 27 | GK 26
19 W. Yarbrough | 35 | GK 25
20 C. Coronel | 28 | GK 25
21 D. St. Clair | 27 | GK 25
22 S. Johnson | 35 | GK 23
23 P. Gallese | 34 | GK 23
24 O. Semmle | 26 | GK 23
25 R. Bürki | 34 | GK 22
26 R. Celentano | 24 | GK 21
27 L. Gavran | 24 | GK 20
28 J. Willis | 36 | GK 19
29 A. Thomas | 26 | GK 18
30 E. Panicco | 28 | GK 18
31 P. Schulte | 23 | GK 17
32 S. Frei | 38 | GK 15
33 Daniel | 30 | GK 13
34 G. Beavers | 19 | GK 10
35 J. Pantemis | 27 | GK 9
36 A. Blake | 34 | GK 8
37 E. Bush | 38 | GK 6
38 A. Kann | 34 | GK 6
39 N. Hagen | 28 | GK 5
40 J. Pulskamp | 23 | GK 4
41 A. Ivacic | 31 | GK 3
42 S. Richey | 32 | GK 3
43 E. Louro | 28 | GK 3
44 R. Meara | 34 | GK 2
45 C. dos Santos | 24 | GK 2
46 E. Edwards Jr. | 32 | GK 1
47 M. Stajduhar | 27 | GK 1
48 D. Bingham | 35 | GK -
49 J. Bendik | 35 | GK -
50 J. Maurer | 36 | GK -
51 C. Irwin | 35 | GK -
52 T. Gómez | 31 | GK -
53 B. Lundt | 29 | GK -
54 G. Ranjitsingh | 31 | GK -
55 A. Romero | 26 | GK -
56 A. Tarbell | 31 | GK -
57 T. Muse | 25 | GK -
58 L. Barraza | 28 | GK -
59 J. Cohen | 32 | GK -
60 S. Cleveland | 30 | GK -
61 S. Breza | 26 | GK -
62 H. Trent | 25 | GK -
63 H. Sulte | 22 | GK -
64 N. Crockford | 22 | GK -
65 J. Castro | 25 | GK -
66 C. Olivares | 22 | GK -
67 I. Boehmer | 23 | GK -
68 J. Otero | 22 | GK -
69 N. Micovic | 23 | GK -
70 L. Zamudio | 26 | GK -
71 E. Ochoa | 19 | GK -
72 J. Gal | 31 | GK -
73 A. Rick | 18 | GK -
74 A. Marcucci | 25 | GK -
75 S. Lapkes | 18 | GK -
76 A. Beaudry | 18 | GK -
77 C. Jensen | 23 | GK -

Expected Threat (xT)

2 F. Bernardeschi | 30 | CAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
3 D. Bouanga | 30 | WAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
4 L. Messi | 37 | WAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
5 R. Puig | 25 | CM Subscription needed Subscription needed

xT from passes

2 S. Rodríguez | 24 | CAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
3 D. Gómez | 21 | CM Subscription needed Subscription needed
4 R. Puig | 25 | CM Subscription needed Subscription needed
5 F. Bernardeschi | 30 | CAM Subscription needed Subscription needed

xT from carries

2 F. Bernardeschi | 30 | CAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
3 L. Acosta | 30 | CAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
4 L. Messi | 37 | WAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
5 T. Almada | 23 | CAM Subscription needed Subscription needed


2 L. Messi | 37 | WAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
3 F. Bernardeschi | 30 | CAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
4 L. Acosta | 30 | CAM Subscription needed Subscription needed
5 C. Benteke | 34 | FW Subscription needed Subscription needed

Counterpressing Actions

2 J. Atencio | 22 | CM Subscription needed Subscription needed
3 B. Ojeda | 24 | CM Subscription needed Subscription needed
4 O. Larraz | 23 | CM Subscription needed Subscription needed
5 A. Morris | 23 | CM Subscription needed Subscription needed


2 C. Benteke | 34 | FW Subscription needed Subscription needed
3 G. Giakoumakis | 30 | FW Subscription needed Subscription needed
4 L. Gavran | 24 | GK Subscription needed Subscription needed
5 S. Johnson | 35 | GK Subscription needed Subscription needed

Offensive AERO

2 M. Miazga | 29 | CB Subscription needed Subscription needed
3 A. Malanda | 23 | CB Subscription needed Subscription needed
4 M. Robinson | 27 | CB Subscription needed Subscription needed
5 K. Kamara | 40 | FW Subscription needed Subscription needed

Defensive AERO

2 C. Benteke | 34 | FW Subscription needed Subscription needed
3 D. Williams | 31 | CB Subscription needed Subscription needed
4 K. Long | 34 | CB Subscription needed Subscription needed
5 N. Hagglund | 32 | CB Subscription needed Subscription needed