All leagues
USL Championship
United States of America
% League imbalance
Goals per match
Non-penalty xG per shot
Average age
% minutes played by U21
Pos Club Pts xPts MP W D L G GA GD xG xGA xGD PPDA
1 Sacramento Republic 18 16.07 8 5 3 0 13 5 8 12.90 6.10 6.80 11.04
2 Orange County SC 15 9.84 8 4 3 1 11 6 5 7.73 8.86 -1.13 15.72
3 Monterey Bay 14 12.55 8 4 2 2 11 9 2 11.98 9.84 2.14 11.17
4 New Mexico United 13 9.14 7 4 1 2 9 12 -3 9.36 11.21 -1.85 11.93
5 San Antonio 12 14.03 8 3 3 2 12 9 3 11.70 7.18 4.52 7.24
6 Phoenix Rising 10 11.04 8 3 1 4 9 10 -1 11.58 11.91 -0.33 12.96
7 Las Vegas Lights FC 9 6.76 8 3 0 5 9 16 -7 7.49 14.17 -6.68 9.58
8 FC Tulsa 8 6.74 6 2 2 2 9 10 -1 7.46 10.01 -2.55 11.07
9 Oakland Roots 7 7.39 8 2 1 5 7 14 -7 6.67 10.85 -4.17 10.88
10 Memphis 901 6 9.12 7 2 0 5 8 10 -2 8.99 9.89 -0.90 10.82
11 Colorado Springs Switchbacks 4 7.36 7 1 1 5 4 10 -6 8.49 12.91 -4.42 12.86
12 El Paso Locomotive 2 8.70 8 0 2 6 6 12 -6 7.39 10.56 -3.16 10.65
Pos Club Pts xPts MP W D L G GA GD xG xGA xGD PPDA
1 Charleston Battery 21 18.24 9 6 3 0 24 7 17 18.53 9.07 9.46 7.98
2 Louisville City 18 14.17 7 6 0 1 23 7 16 15.82 8.33 7.48 12.06
3 Detroit City FC 15 8.03 6 5 0 1 10 6 4 7.52 6.81 0.71 10.48
4 Tampa Bay Rowdies 13 13.56 7 3 4 0 16 7 9 15.03 7.57 7.45 9.43
5 Birmingham Legion 10 6.48 7 3 1 3 6 11 -5 7.35 14.71 -7.36 14.13
6 Hartford Athletic 9 8.18 6 3 0 3 7 13 -6 12.38 10.41 1.97 10.34
7 Pittsburgh Riverhounds SC 8 10.83 7 2 2 3 6 7 -1 10.15 8.75 1.40 14.27
8 Indy Eleven 8 10.21 8 2 2 4 13 17 -4 9.60 11.23 -1.63 9.73
9 Loudoun United 7 7.48 7 2 1 4 10 13 -3 6.75 9.86 -3.10 15.35
10 The Miami FC 7 6.40 8 2 1 5 11 15 -4 7.59 14.72 -7.13 15.94
11 Rhode Island 7 9.21 7 1 4 2 7 11 -4 9.95 10.73 -0.78 9.12
12 North Carolina FC 6 13.26 8 1 3 4 8 12 -4 9.67 6.42 3.25 12.55
All leagues
USL Championship
United States of America
% League imbalance
Goals per match
Non-penalty xG per shot
Average age
% Minutes played by U21
Pos Club Pts MP xG xGA xGD
1 SAC 18 8 12.90 6.10 6.80
2 ORC 15 8 7.73 8.86 -1.13
3 MB 14 8 11.98 9.84 2.14
4 NM 13 7 9.36 11.21 -1.85
5 SA 12 8 11.70 7.18 4.52
6 PHX 10 8 11.58 11.91 -0.33
7 LV 9 8 7.49 14.17 -6.68
8 TUL 8 6 7.46 10.01 -2.55
9 OAK 7 8 6.67 10.85 -4.17
10 MEM 6 7 8.99 9.89 -0.90
11 COS 4 7 8.49 12.91 -4.42
12 ELP 2 8 7.39 10.56 -3.16
Pos Club Pts MP xG xGA xGD
1 CHS 21 9 18.53 9.07 9.46
2 LOU 18 7 15.82 8.33 7.48
3 DET 15 6 7.52 6.81 0.71
4 TBR 13 7 15.03 7.57 7.45
5 BHM 10 7 7.35 14.71 -7.36
6 HFD 9 6 12.38 10.41 1.97
7 PIT 8 7 10.15 8.75 1.40
8 IND 8 8 9.60 11.23 -1.63
9 LDN 7 7 6.75 9.86 -3.10
10 MIA 7 8 7.59 14.72 -7.13
11 RHI 7 7 9.95 10.73 -0.78
12 NC 6 8 9.67 6.42 3.25